
Friday 12 May 2017

Personal Development Through Parenting

Having children and raising them isn't easy. They require you to be patient, kind, persistent, consistent, trusting, guiding and so much more. These are human qualities that every individual should have in all their everyday interactions with others. In fact, Islam places a high value on these characteristics. You deal with all living things in the best of manners and your reward is immense.

Abu Darda reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s good manners.”(Al-Bukhari)

When you have a child, situations will require you to put into practice these best of human qualities because children need compassion and gentleness to grow and be nurtured. Anything raised on harshness and unkindness will have a stunted and debilitating growth and can cause psychological problems in later life.

To read the rest of this article please go to my parenting blog (I've relocated).

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