
Saturday 3 December 2016

The Muslim Parent is a Positive Parent

The Muslim parent is a positive parent
I've moved my parenting articles to a new blog. Read more on this here.


  1. Alhamdulillah, I love it when the teachings of our Prophet SAW begin to emerge as modern trends as though it's only just being discovered :) I definitely agree that positive discipline has to be more effective that punitive, and like you say, happy parents, happy kids insha'Allah :)

    1. Yes, don't you just? There are so many things that are sunnah and they've only discovered that it's beneficial such as the midday nap, sleeping on the right side, squatting when going to the toilet, eating dates - there are so many.

      You're absolutely right about happy parents, happy kids.

  2. Islam is about balance. That's totally right and this greatly helps in our everyday life and the things we do all day. It is sometimes challenging being a Muslim parent especially if in a non-Muslim country

  3. I completely agree with the post! Islam is a positive deen, so if we will follow Islam in our daily life, I am sure we won't get to see any negativity in life.

  4. Yes I completely agree with you about balance. Positive parenting is great but there are also times when you have to be stern. Like you said Islam is all about balance and moderation and that's one of the beauties of it!

  5. Completely agree with the balance. I know some who treat their kids as best friends...nothing wrong with that but then they aren't even disciplined in any way either.

  6. Honestly when read your post, it made me fall in love with Islam even more, Allah knows best. We were taught right, but some parents just need a little reminder or boost.Teaching them that balance is the best way. It is okay to be lenient, but not to lenient.

  7. This is totally true.
    I love this line that "Muslim Parents are positive parents" & I agree with this.
    Beautifully written Mashaa Allah

  8. I absolutely agree! Being a good Muslim goes hand in hand with being a good parent. Thanks for this reminder.

  9. How true really! Positive encouragement is key... but at the same time disciplinary action is to be taken when necessary, also as stated in the sunnah. Islam is all about balance and moderation
