
Wednesday 3 August 2016

When I Grow Up Book Review

Title: When I Grow Up
Author & Illustrator: Sundus Iraq
Publisher: Prolance
Format: Hardcover
Age: 3-5 years old

A child's imagination runs wild when it comes to thinking about their future! In this story, follow a little girl as her kindness and sense of adventure drive her to daydream about being a pediatrician, an astronaut and so much more.~PLUS~Introduce your child to Arabic writing and language!

When I Grow Up is a story about a little girl thinking about what she wants to be when she is older. Not only is she thinking about herself and her likes but she also thinks about her baby sister and how she can help her when she is older. The added bonus is that this book is a bilingual book as it contains the Arabic translation.

This book is great for when you want to talk to your child about what he can be when he grows up. I've read this book to my class and it's fascinating to hear the many different things that preschoolers are currently interested in becoming. There are the usual firefighters, pilots and doctors. Then there are the not so usual princesses and dinosaurs!

I read this book on my ipad as I got the pdf version for this review
One conversation I had went like this:
Me: What would you like to be when you grow up? (After I've finished reading the book.)
Child 1: I'd  like to go in a spaceship and fly into space.
Me: So you'd like to be an astronaut?
Child 1: Yes an astronaut.
Child 2: Aww, my mum won't let me fly in a spaceship!
Me: Well, when you're older I'm sure she'll let you. :-D

Kickstart your own conversations about jobs with your child and hear what he or she has to say. You might be pleasantly surprised or gently amused. 

You can get your copy here (my affiliate link):

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