
Monday 4 July 2016

Free Eid Colouring Sheet Download & Competition

It's competition time! (Extended until Eid ul Adha 11 September)

A mum requested an adult competition after seeing the lovely colouring the children did of this Eid Mubarak sheet that I made for them. I adapted that sheet for young children by drawing the designs larger and included less details.

But here is the adult version, full of details that I hope you appreciate!

So grab your free download of this EID colouring sheet here.

Now for the competition details:

So that your family don't think you're just wasting your time colouring in (hey, tell them that it's relaxing and de-stressing), tell them that you're entering a colouring competition.

1. Download the Eid colouring sheet.

2. Colour it in using any media that you want. It could be pencils, crayons, watercolour and so on. Competition closes on Sunday 11 September 2016 (Eid ul Adha) so get a move on!

3. Take a photo of your artwork and upload it to my Facebook page (don't forget to like it first!) or email me. Put your name on it and make sure that I can contact you by email or Facebook just in case you win. There's no age limit, your children can enter as well if they want.

4. After Sunday 11 September 2016 I will pick the winner/s and I will contact you. The winner will choose one item from below. The prize is a choice of:

Miraj audio books (this is for children aged between 4 and 12 years old),

Ayeina's Watercolour Book of Alhmadulillah Series

Potluck Planner
Any downloadable item from Muslimommy's shop

and some other prizes. I am looking around for something that's easy to download from anywhere in the world. Will keep you posted on the other prizes.

5. This is a competition of skill not chance so do your best!

If you like this free colouring sheet download then please visit my etsy shop Jameela Designs Shop for more colouring sheets for purchase.


  1. Oh what a lovely competition! I love colouring bit don't always find the time! I would take part but no chance of me completing it by the 10th!

    1. Colouring is meant to be relaxing so I wouldn't want you to be stressed out to finish it! :D

  2. This sounds like a fab giveaway. I will ask my husband to get a print for me. :)

  3. This is awesome, I actually use the adult coloring books and coloring stress relievers. Thanks for sharing and making this available!

  4. I love colouring (even as an adult!) This download is so cool mashaAllah :)

  5. Asalamoalikum jamEEla,
    I am interested in the third one,
    do we ask the kids to color it?

    1. You can colour it in or the kids - up to you. the winner gets to choose the prize. I've extended it until Sunday 17 July so you still have time insha Allah.

  6. If only we weren't a part of this, we'd be coloring every inch of it �� you know how strong our feelings are towards coloring :P haha no wonder our next project is an Islamic coloring/activity book for adults :D

    1. Jazakallahu khayr for contributing to the prize and I can't wait to see your book!

  7. Salams. Is this image ok to use for small business use? I would like to make childrens tshirts to colour in

    1. Wa alaykum salam, No sorry. Personal use only.
