
Sunday 5 June 2016

Better Parenting Challenge Ramadan 2016

Get ready for the Better Parenting Challenge this Ramadan. Come back here and join me every day (or most days when you can make it back here). 

To make it easy for you, I will post an action for you to take every day to improve your parenting. Download this free calender to write down your daily actions and keep it handy where you can see it. Remember that every good that you do in this month will be rewarded many times over.

This challenge will follow loosely on the 'Guiding Children's Behaviour' book and workbook. If you haven't already got a copy then grab it here. Although you don't need them to join in with this challenge, it might make it more convenient.

I've even made a private Facebook group called 'Better Parenting Challenge'. If you have time, hop over there and we can have a better parenting discussion. Remember to request to join the group.

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