
Sunday 28 February 2016

Brain Juice: Pennywort Juice Drink

You might have read my post on the benefits of pennywort to children's memory. If not then please read it now so you'll understand the benefits.

Since then, I've been experimenting with pennywort as some children might not like the thick smoothie taste. So I've been adding pennywort to different types of fruits to make a juice. The result has a thinner consistency as you would expect from a juice.

If you want to improve your children's memory and brain function then trying adding pennywort to different types of fruits. These are the fruits that I've used and the results of each.

Original Pennywort Drink

I have to start with the original and tell you what it tastes like first. Use only pennywort and add water then blend the whole thing. I've had it plain like this before at my mum's and sisters who both prefer it like this. Just make sure that the pennywort is blended smoothly so you don't still have bits floating around. It should be very smooth.

If you're this brave then I suggest you swallow it as quickly as possible. It tastes like a herbal drink but not quite so bad as Chinese herbal medicine (believe me Chinese herbal medicine is worst). Basically it tastes like you're drinking grass.

As I have children, I added honey to my original pennywort drink. It makes it more palatable and my children are fine with this.

Watermelon Pennywort Juice Drink

This tastes so nice. You can only taste the watermelon in this drink. Just make sure that the watermelon is sweet. I filled the nutribullet just over half way with large chunks of watermelon and topped it with pennywort. I didn't add water at all. Gave it a blend, add ice and drink. My children love this combination.

Grape Pennywort Juice Drink

I used sweet green grapes for this. Again half fill it with grapes and top with pennywort. Blend. No water was added. This is nice as well if you like the grape taste. We much prefer the watermelon blend but this makes a great alternative to add variety to your pennywort drink.

Pineapple Pennywort Juice Drink

I wasn't going to include this one as it was a failed attempt. It was the first one that I did and I thought you might need to know why it went wrong so you can avoid it as well.

Why it tasted terrible was because I added water (as you can see from the picture). The pineapple was very sweet so my children ate half of it and was left with only a bit of pineapple (as you can see from the picture the pineapple was less than half the nutribullet's cup). So I've added the water to make blending easy

But the water made it watery (duh). So it tasted terrible. We had to quickly swallow it to make it disappear quickly. I think that the next time I will use more pineapple, just over half way like I did with the other fruits and not add water. We'll see how that'll taste like, inshaAllah :D

I will keep on trying other blends and see how they go. The mixing with fruits gives it variety and makes it easy for the whole family to drink the pennywort and benefit from its many goodness.

To read more on how pennywort improves memory, read 'Improve Memory with Pennywort Avocado Smoothie'.

Here is a juicing recipe book that you might like. Drew Canole is another person that I follow on Facebook. I love his health posts. The following is my affiliate link.

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