Ramadan Parenting Challenge 2013 |
In the two previous
days, you have learnt how to be generous and kind, today it is time to teach
your children to be generous.
The opposite of
generosity is miserliness. Allah says: Let not those who are miserly with what
Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty think that it is good for them.
Rather, it is bad for them. They will be made to wear what they withheld, owing
to their miserliness, as a necklace [of fire] on the Day of Resurrection. And to
Allah is the inheritance of the heavens and earth. And Allah is well informed
of all that you do. (Qur’an 3:180) And Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “Beware of stinginess! It was
being stingy that destroyed those before you. It incited them to shed blood and
make lawful what was prohibited for them.” (Muslim)
Some parents are so
miserly that they don’t spend on themselves, let alone their children. Remember
the case of Abu Sufyan in the hadeeth on Day 11? He was such a miser that his
wife asked the Prophet (s) if she could take his money and spend on the
children. Parents such as this need to realise that everything belongs to Allah
and isn’t really yours. You are in charge of whatever Allah has given you and
you take that responsibility seriously by managing it appropriately.
The right of your
children is to be loved, clothed, fed and educated, among other things. Money
needs to exchange hands for some of these things to happen. If you cannot give
then you can’t expect anything in return. If you cannot let go of some money
then you can’t expect to get something for nothing.
The more you give then
the more you will receive. Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “The
example of the miser and the generous is that of two men wearing iron armour from their chests to their necks. As for the generous, he does not
spend but that the armor enlarges and spreads over his body until it covers
even his fingertips and wipes out his tracks. As for the miser, he does not
want to spend anything but that every ring of the armor sticks in its place and
he tries to enlarge it but it will not expand.” (Narrated
Abu Huraira in Bukhari:1375, Muslim:1021)
The question now is how
to teach your children to be generous. As with anything, you need to model it
and what better time than in Ramadan? There are so many Muslim charity organisations
asking for donations at this time. Let your children see you giving and ask
them if they have anything to give.
Every year at this
time, we would always receive a letter in the mail for donations. I would
always ask my children if they would like to contribute any amount. They
usually have money saved from last Eid or doing odd jobs for other people (we
don’t give them pocket money – not when they’re young and my eldest hasn’t
asked for any. My husband is adamant that they use their resources and work for
it – which is a story for another day!). That’s the thing with Eid money too,
you need to teach them to use whatever money they have wisely. Most kids would
either save the whole lot (which tends to lead to hoarding and miserliness) or
they would go out and spend it all (which leads to wastefulness and
extravagance). Alhamdulillah, we have taught our children to buy only what they
need and really want. So I would tell them they are only to buy one item only
with their Eid money and save the rest. In this way, they still have money
saved from last Eid and previous Eids. The important thing is that they have
money to spend on charity. Masha Allah, each year they have been very generous
with giving away their money. Also, they could actually see their money
increasing because each year they would give and each year at Eid they would
receive more (from grandparents, aunties and uncles etc).
Another place your
children could be generous is at the masjid. My children are boys and every
time they go to the masjid with their father, he would always ask them to take
along any amount for the donations box.
Ramadan is also a great
time to teach about generosity because if they are fasting they would have
firsthand experience of what it’s like to go hungry. Discuss this experience
with them and ask what it would be like to be starving every day without food even at iftar
and suhoor.
for today is to:
- Discuss what it’s like to be starving every day. Identify the starving Muslims around the world and together pick a charity to donate to.
- Find other ways you and your children can be generous: donate toys, clothing, food etc.
these and continue to do them throughout Ramadan.
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